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OgilvyOne上海获得One Show 互动一铜

发布日期 发布: 2009-5-18  |  来源  来源: 网络转载  |   发布人 (共有0条评论) 我要评论

tag 关键词: one One show Show SHOW 互动 上海 Ogilvy
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OgilvyOne Shanghai has also took home with one bronze from One Show Interactive, for its work on adidas Olympics. The campaign also won 1 bronze and 2 finalists at newyork festival.


2008 marks the year of the Beijing Olympics. It is also a year where hundreds of brands are creating engagement campaigns around the games, sponsors or not. Adidas, an official Olympic sponsor decided they wanted to bring the nation together in support for their athletes to reinforce the predominance of their brand.

We created the sports nation online, an engagement platform designed for Chinese sports enthusiasts to interact, learn, share and obviously support athletes. The sports nation online is in some ways, an encyclopedia of Olympic history, a product catalogue and virtually the one social space to keep in touch with all Olympic related activities.

Currently, the average sports national spends over 16 minutes in the nation and 613,409 users have taken on challenges.Successful hits for entrie site 18,589,458.

The immense success of the nation online and adikas, hase proved that in a market where almost everyday, a brand lauches an onlympic campaign, it is still possible to make a substantial difference.

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Brand: adidas
Creative Director: Johan Vakidis
Associate Creative Director: Kelly Woh
Junior Art Director: Lock Sin Chong
Motion Designer: Bright Yu
Interaction Designer: Kici Wang
Copywriter: Kino Lou
Account Director: Jeffrey Wang

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