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发布日期 发布: 2010-4-15  |  来源  来源: 腾讯网  |   发布人 (共有0条评论) 我要评论

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ProPublica是一家非营利性新闻机构,其记者谢利·芬克(Sheri Fink)与《纽约时报》旗下《纽约时报杂志》合作撰写了有关卡特里娜飓风灾害中遇难人数的调查报告,获得了调查报告类普利策新闻奖。

普利策新闻奖评委会主任西格·吉斯勒(Sig Gissler)表示:“未来几年中我们将越来越多地见到这种模式,不同新闻机构之间将进行更多的合作。”






Public Service - Bristol Herald Courier (VA), for the work of Daniel Gilbert on the mismanagement of natural gas royalties owed to thousands of land owners in southwest Virginia, spurring remedial action。

Breaking News Reporting - The Seattle Times Staff, for the coverage of the fatal shootings of four police officers and the subsequent 40-hour manhunt for the suspect.

Investigative Reporting - Sheri Fink of ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine, for a story on the urgent life-and-death decisions made by the exhausted doctors in a hospital when they were cut off by floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina.

Explanatory Reporting - Michael Moss and members of The New York Times Staff, for reporting on contaminated hamburger and other food safety issues that highlighted failures in federal regulation, and eventually led to improved practices

Local Reporting - Raquel Rutledge of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, for reports on the fraud and abuse in a child-care program for low-wage working parents, resulting a crackdown on providers.

National Reporting - Matt Richtel and members of The New York Times Staff, for report on the dangerous use of cell phones and electronic gadgets while operating vehicles, and led to efforts to curb distracted driving.

International Reporting - Anthony Shadid of The Washington Post, for his series on Iraq as the US departs, and how Iraqi leaders and its people struggle to deal with the legacy of the war and the nations future.

Feature Writing - Gene Weingarten of The Washington Post, for his story about parents who accidentally killed their children by forgetting them in cars.

Commentary - Kathleen Parker of The Washington Post, for her perceptive and witty columns on political and moral issues; with experiences and values that lead her to unpredictable conclusions.

Criticism - Sarah Kaufman of The Washington Post, for her dance criticism, with provocative comments and original insights.

Editorial Writing - Tod Robberson, Colleen McCain Nelson, and William McKenzie of The Dallas Morning News, for their editorials about the social and economic divide between the city's rich and poor.

Editorial Cartooning - Mark Fiore, for his animated cartoons on SFGates.com, with his wit and extensive research that distilled complex issues.

Breaking News Photography - Mary Chind of The Des Moines Register, for her photograph of the moment when a rescuer dangling in a makeshift harness tries to save a woman trapped in the foaming water beneath a dam

Feature Photography - Craig F. Walker of The Denver Post, for his portrait of a teenager who joins the Army at the height of insurgent violence in Iraq。

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