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欧洲设计奖(2008European Design Awards 2008)

发布日期 发布: 2008-2-05  |  来源  来源: 本站原创  |   发布人 (共有0条评论) 我要评论

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欧洲设计奖(2008European Design Awards 2008)
地点:European Awards Sokratous 157 176 73

The European Design Awards is a comprehensive annual awards organisation acknowledging the best of graphic design, illustration and multimedia design in Europe and endorsed by Icograda.

The main objectives of the ED-Project are:
- To celebrate European design with all its regional distinctive elements as well as its common grounds.
- To facilitate European designers to meet, benchmark, be inspired and build networks.
- To promote and raise standards for communication design throughout Europe.
- To properly honour and award people who invest their passion in design
- To create a directory of best practise European communication design, where design buyers from around the world may compare and search for collaborators.

The competition includes 27 categories covering identity, publications, illustrations, packaging, typography, websites and animation.

The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2008.

The jury
The jury is composed of representatives from communication design magazines from across Europe.

2+3D - Poland
CAP & Design - Sweden
+design - Greece
tapes - France
Graphic - Netherlands
IDPURE - Switzerland
KAK - Russia
Novum - Germany
Progetto Grafico - Italy
TYPO - Czech Republic
Visual - Spain

2+3D, +design, tapes, Novum and TYPO are participating members of the Icograda Design Media Network (IDMN).

ED-Awards ceremony
The ED-Conference and the ED-Awards ceremony are only two out of many communication design events that will take place in Stockholm from 15-19 May 2008. An extensive program will be published in January.

Winners catalogue
The ED-Awards catalogue is now available thanks to BIS Publishers. Presented in a hardcover book of 200 pages, the catalogue features the successful submissions (winners, merits and finalists) in the ED-Awards 2007. Price: EUR 39 incl. VAT, excl. shipping.

For further information please contact:
European Awards
Sokratous 157
176 73 Athens
T: +30 210 9593033
F: +30 210 9523607
W: www.ed-awards.com
E: info@ed-awards.com

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