蓝贴:暴雪否认猎人过于强大 暂时不会削弱

发布日期  发布: 2009-3-11 | 发布人  发布者: life | 来源  来源: 江西广告网


  有关于猎人3.0到3.1的职业改变   [我的职业被BUFF或者被NERF就像坐过山车一样!] 这种说法有趣的地方,就在于这种说法只会发生在比较强大的职业身上。相对的,对于没有那么强大的职业,测试服里的玩家一般都会千方百计的乞求我们BUFF它,而且会很乐意的重新学习这个职业的一切。   我并不是想否认某些参加游戏测试的玩家的意见。但有时候我们确实有正当的理由不去NERF一个职业。(指猎人)   你们的补丁包使我不得不重新学习我的职业。   玩我的职业不再有趣。   你们并没有照你们说的去设计我的职业。   这些改变让这个职业越来越背离初衷。   虽然以上的都是很有说服力的理由,但我们仍然觉得所有这些我们做出的改变都是有必要的。我们不会改变我们已经做出的决定。   我还想否认一点 :有的参加测试的玩家认为 我们所做出的99%的改变都是为了平衡各个职业,其实不然。有时候我们做出的改变,只是因为我们不喜欢改变之前的东西而已。   宠物的天赋点不够!   这是件很公平的事情。在另一方面,在之前 哪怕不是51天赋兽王的猎人,也可以勉强的点出所有[有用]的宠物天赋。如果我们再给你们免费的宠物天赋点,可能就会令事情回到上述的情况那样,所以这是不可能的。   ------------------------------------   译者按:   这里所说的把猎人做的过于强大,指的似乎就是猎人近期的PVP强势(参见SK100 我们仅次于黄金圣斗士和冥斗士)   毫无疑问的 测试服里的其他玩家对于猎人的NERF要求非常的大   也就促成了暴雪的这种回答:[老子想怎么改就怎么改 你们这帮给意见的玩家还真当自己是老板了?]   然而 我么不妨仔细回想一下   确实的 暴雪基本没有把一个职业BUFF成神以后NERF回渣的先例   SO,各位可以小期待一下猎人在今后的小强势   英文原文:   Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)   Changes to hunter mechanics in 3.0.x and 3.1   What is interesting about these "my class is such a roller coaster" responses is they tend to only happen with classes that are powerful. With classes or specs that are considered underpowered, the community tends to beg for any kind of change at all and will happily relearn all their buttons just because they really want to play that character.   I'm not trying to dismiss the OP's sentiment, because it's a totally valid way to feel IMO. I'm just pointing out that it sometimes gets used as justification for why we shouldn't nerf a class.   "You're making me relearn my class."   "It's not fun for me to play my class anymore."   "This change went against the design you said you had for us."   "This change goes against the class descriptions on the website."   Those are all valid points, but obviously we felt the change was necessary despite all of those points and they are rarely going to convince us to undo the changes. (Though we might try to address those concerns in other ways.)   I'll also throw out that the community tends to assume that 99% of the changes we make are for balance reasons. There are a lot of those, but we also make changes just because we don't like the way mechanics are working out. (Source)   Lack of talent points for pets   That's fair feedback. On the other hand, one of the problems we had with 51 BM before was that hunters could scoop up all of the "useful" talents without their extra 4 points. If we give away more talents for free, we risk ending up back in that situation again. (Source)
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Post: 彦子术     Date: 2009-3-13 13:52:34
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